
criminal law 刑法。

criminal offence

Criminal law sucks , but i ' ve studied hard 刑法沒勁極了,不過我很認真學。

On damage of the fine art works in the criminal law 毀損美術作品的刑法思考

An amendment to no . 168 in the criminal law 論刑法修正案對刑法第168條的修正

The judicial interpretation of criminal law 論罪刑法定原則下的刑法司法解釋

A comment on the analogy system in our country ' s criminal law 論我國刑法中的類推制度

On interregional conflicts of criminal laws in china 論中國區際刑事法律沖突

The application of the criminal law in china ' s piracy crimes 中國海盜犯罪的刑法適用

The epochal trace and future trend of chinese criminal law 刑法的時代軌跡及未來趨勢

Issues of strict liability in the criminal law 也論刑法中嚴格責任的若干問題

On reform of the under - society crime in criminal law 論黑社會犯罪的刑法完善

Rational thought on the caucious principle in criminal law 有關刑法謙抑性的理性思考

The expanding concept of environmental crime of criminal law 環境犯罪概念的刑法展開

On the interpret application of case of criminal law 論刑法適用上的個案解釋

Ethical elements considered in applying criminal law 論刑法適用中道德評價因素的考量

An interpretation to the legislation of criminal law in china 我國刑法立法解釋淺析

On the situations in english - america criminal law 兼論我國刑法中的持有型犯罪

In criminal law according to crime and punishment procedure 以美國刑事法為視角衡量

Define paragraph 3 of article 20 of criminal law 刑法第20條第3款定性問題思考

Discussion on the nature of administrative criminal law 論行政刑法的法律性質